How does your body gets Carbon-di-oxide?

How does your body gets Carbon-di-oxide? Brought to U.... and My memories How does your body gets Carbon-di-oxide? Posted in 2013 How does your body get carbon dioxide? Most of us are not known what is Breathing...It is a process of our body to Inhale Oxygen and exhale Carbon di oxide. Every one knows it but most of us are not known how the Carbon di oxide enters in our body? In our primary education we learnt that when we exhale Carbon di oxide the plants will take it and gives Oxygen for us. we all get carbon from the air, but not by inhaling it. carbon gets fixated into the calvin cyle (an important reaction during photosynthesis) which in turn, helps provide the building blocks to let the plant grow..notice the C in C6H12O6....depending on ur eating habits, u can either get Carbon from eating vegetables or by eating animals who eat plants lol..well, during cellular respiration, t...