Health Problems

As per astrology the Birth Chart is divided in twelve Parts. They represent and influence on our Body parts as under
1st House : Head and Face, Brain and Bones of our head and face
2nd House: Face, Right Eye, Tongue, Nose, Teeth, Ears, Fingers, Nails, Bones and flesh
3rd House: Neck, throat, collar Bones , hands, breathing, ears, bodily growth
4th House : Breast and Chest, chest and ribs, Blood, heart
5th House :Uppar abdomen, mind, liver, gall bladder, spleen , intestines
6th House : Lower Abdomin, Naval, Bones, Flesh, anus, kidneys
7th House: Seman, uterus of the lady, overies, prostate glands
8th House : Generative organs, urine, blood, Bladder and Bones of pelvic area
9th House : Hips and Thighs, veins and arteries, bones of thighs
10th House :Knees and hands, flesh
11th House ; Legs, left ear, breathing, shanks
12th House : Feet and Toes, Lymphatic system, left eye, bones of feet

Parts of the body ruled by planets

Sun : Stomach, bone, blood, heart, skin, belly, eye sight (right eye of the male and left eye of female)

Head and constitution of the body
Moon : Breast, intestines, lymph, eye sight (left eye for the male and right eye for the female)
Throats, nervous debility, chest, mind, kidney, Alimentary canal and water in body.
Mars.: Blood, marrow, energy, neck, genitals, red colouring matter in the blood, rectum, head,
Veins, female organs, nose, fore head, digestive section of sines and vitality
Mercury : Veins, lungs, arms, mouth, hair nervous system, chest, nerves, skin, naval nose, spinal
Systems, gall bladder

Jupiter: Thighs, fat, brain, lungs, liver, kidney, right ear, tongue, spleen, semen and pleura
Venus : Face, eye sight, genital organs, semen, urine, lustre of body, throat, water in body, chin, cheeks, naval, left bar and productive organs
Saturn : Joint bones, Teeth, knees, ears, spleen, legs, bones, muscles, limbs, skin and hair
Rahu : Feet, Breathing , neck
Kethu : Belly and feet
Uranus : Nervous system, brain and motor nerves
Neptune : Nervous system, the optic nerves, cerebro spinal fluids etc
The zodaic is of 360 degrees. It has been divided in to 12 parts each. Each part is known as Sign
According to Birth time of an Individual in which sign he has taken birth is Known as Acendent or Lagna or 1st house.
See some of Defective child births around the Globe from my blog  Defectivebirths
 please visit to know each house is indicating
If you are resident of India visit


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