Profession of your Child

Profession of your child AN ISO 9001:2008 ORGANISATION FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT WITH HEALTHY FOOD, HEALTHY LIFE STYLE.. . Give birth to a Child with GOOD PROFESSIONAL I have seen thousands of Children interested in various kinds of education. Some children are Healthy but poor in their Mental condition. I observed in some families that members are of different Mentalities and different professions..I also seen some children are Healthy and Brilliant but they used their intelligence in negative aspect and became criminals or undesired professionals. Their parents are so sad with them. According to my opinion every couple should have a child with good behavior , intelligent. They may settle in any respectable profession as Players, Singers, Directors, Doctors, Engineers, Scientists etc.. I studied Astrologically on profession and I found which planet cause which profession. I guided some couples to have sex at a particular moment to give birth to HEALTHY AND ...