
Showing posts from April, 2014

How to have Healthy and Brilliant child?

How to have Healthy and Brilliant child? AN  ISO 9001:2008 ORGANISATION FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT WITH HEALTHY FOOD, HEALTHY LIFE STYLE.. . I clearly  explained the nutrients, proteins, minerals, vitamins etc... as required in your sperm /eggs to form all parts of your child and the importance of    1.  Air  2. Water  3. Healthy food  4. Rest  5. Excrement  6.  Exercise  and 7. Healthy Thoughts or Positive Thinking   to avoid defective birth.  Please see my blog Fertility and Pregnancy .   What ever the minerals.vitamins, nutrients, proteins required to form your sperm/eggs are available in your Healthy food  please see my blogs  1. Required Nutrients   2. Mineral Values 3. Nutritional Values In my 40 years research I applied my theory  on many couples and achieved positive results i.e. all are given birth to HEALTHY  AND BRILLIANT CHILD.   This encoura...

Birth defects in different countries

AN  ISO 9001:2008 ORGANISATION FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT WITH HEALTHY FOOD, HEALTHY LIFE STYLE.. . U nited States Congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defect in the United States, affecting nearly 1% of—or about 40,000—births per year.  Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome, is a common birth defect with an estimated 6,000 cases identified annually.  Orofacial clefts, including cleft lip and cleft palate, are another common type of birth defect with approximately 7,000 cases identified annually. India According to joint World Health Organization (WHO) and MOD meeting report, birth defects account for 7% of all neonatal mortality and 3.3 million under five deaths.  In India birth defects prevalence varies from 61 to 69.9/1000 live births. Major birth defects include congenital heart defects, neural tube defects (NTDs) and Down syndrome, hemoglobinophathies and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, cause 20% of infant mortality and are re...