Avoid Defective Birth with your Healthy food etc...

Avoid defective birth with your healthy food etc..


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Avoid defective birth with your healthy food etc..
Posted in 2011

Generally Health Problems of any family is different from member to member. One may suffer from one health problem and another may suffer from other.
As per Medical Astrology the health problems depends on planetary position at their birth time.
The zodiac is 360 degrees. Each degree is identified by group of planets. Depend upon planetary position we judge it is good or bad.
All health problems we face during the malefic/adverse periods


Generally Infertility Problem of any couple 1.Scientific Reasons  2. Medical Astrological Reasons.
Scientific Reasons : Every couple can solve their Infertility Problems with their Healthy food, Healthy life style etc.....
Medical Astrological Reasons : When the period or planets are not favoring birth of child.  I have seen many couples who have tried with IVF or Surrogacy or other by spending Hard earned money and disappointed by failure.  I advise all to try for any kind of treatment when your stars position is favorable for Healthy and Brilliant child.  By this way you can avoid defective child birth as well as your Hard earned money.

Some of My observations
Every couple wish to have Healthy, Intelligent and Lucky Child. I have seen many children are not
As wish of their parents. Some of my observations as under

1. I have seen the children born with a hole on their heart.
One of my relative after two abortions has a child born with a hole on her heart. He is a small employee in a private organisation. He has E.S.I. Card ( Insurance Card from their Organisation)
He get medical aid from E.S.I. Hospital and Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences. Besides this he Used to spend more than 50% of his salary for medicines and other expenditure. But after three Years the child died.

2. I have seen the children born with Mental Problems
One of my relative and his wife taken Medical Treatment for Fertility for more than 7 years. After this Treatment his wife given birth to a child with mentally handicapped. That child survived for more Than 24 years and died. My relative did not have happiness with his child.

3. I have seen the children born with Blind
I have seen a girl born with blind and mentally handicapped . In 1987 she was about 32 years old.
Her parents are most worried about her future as they were about 65 years.

Besides the above I have observed more than 10000 children born with a Physically or Mentally handicapped.
I also observed more than 2500 children with criminal nature.
This observations forced me to research on  HEALTHY CHILD.
further details visit  http://successgain.info

See some of Defective child births around the Globe from my blog  Defectivebirths


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