
Showing posts from 2014

Many questions on INFERTILITY, CHILD BIRTH etc...

AN  ISO 9001:2008 ORGANISATION FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT WITH HEALTHY FOOD, HEALTHY LIFE STYLE.. . I have received thousands of mails asking me various questions and I answered to them.  I wish to tell all the  aspirant couples to give birth to HEALTHY CHILD around the GLOBE.  You might not have seen that any animal have consulted  any specialists or other for their INFERTILITY PROBLEMS.  Our body structure is similar to animal that is the reason that Human beings are included under the subject ZOOLOGY.  What ever the parts they have similar parts we have.  The only difference they have 4 legs -- we have two hands and two legs.  The other thing is we can think what is the best - they cannot think.  God before creating animals (including us) he created all trees,plants etc..and filled all minerals, nutrients, proteins, vitamins food grains, vegetables, fruits, leaves etc..the animals picked their food from it and living happily ...

How to have Healthy and Brilliant child?

How to have Healthy and Brilliant child? AN  ISO 9001:2008 ORGANISATION FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT WITH HEALTHY FOOD, HEALTHY LIFE STYLE.. . I clearly  explained the nutrients, proteins, minerals, vitamins etc... as required in your sperm /eggs to form all parts of your child and the importance of    1.  Air  2. Water  3. Healthy food  4. Rest  5. Excrement  6.  Exercise  and 7. Healthy Thoughts or Positive Thinking   to avoid defective birth.  Please see my blog Fertility and Pregnancy .   What ever the minerals.vitamins, nutrients, proteins required to form your sperm/eggs are available in your Healthy food  please see my blogs  1. Required Nutrients   2. Mineral Values 3. Nutritional Values In my 40 years research I applied my theory  on many couples and achieved positive results i.e. all are given birth to HEALTHY  AND BRILLIANT CHILD.   This encoura...

Birth defects in different countries

AN  ISO 9001:2008 ORGANISATION FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT WITH HEALTHY FOOD, HEALTHY LIFE STYLE.. . U nited States Congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defect in the United States, affecting nearly 1% of—or about 40,000—births per year.  Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome, is a common birth defect with an estimated 6,000 cases identified annually.  Orofacial clefts, including cleft lip and cleft palate, are another common type of birth defect with approximately 7,000 cases identified annually. India According to joint World Health Organization (WHO) and MOD meeting report, birth defects account for 7% of all neonatal mortality and 3.3 million under five deaths.  In India birth defects prevalence varies from 61 to 69.9/1000 live births. Major birth defects include congenital heart defects, neural tube defects (NTDs) and Down syndrome, hemoglobinophathies and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, cause 20% of infant mortality and are re...

Profession of your Child

Profession of your child AN  ISO 9001:2008 ORGANISATION FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT WITH HEALTHY FOOD, HEALTHY LIFE STYLE.. . Give birth to a Child with GOOD PROFESSIONAL I have seen thousands of Children interested in various kinds of education. Some children are Healthy but poor in their Mental condition. I observed in some families that members are of different Mentalities and different professions..I also seen some children are Healthy and Brilliant but they used their intelligence in negative aspect and became criminals or undesired professionals. Their parents are so sad with them. According to  my opinion every couple should have a child with good behavior , intelligent. They may settle in any respectable profession as Players, Singers, Directors, Doctors, Engineers, Scientists etc.. I studied Astrologically on profession and I found which planet cause which profession. I guided some couples to have sex at a particular moment to give birth to HEALTHY AND ...


  Healthy child 3 Brought to U...     and AN  ISO 9001:2008 ORGANISATION FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT WITH HEALTHY FOOD, HEALTHY LIFE STYLE.. . See some of Defective child births around the Globe from my blog   Defectivebirths F at soluble vitamins Vitamins Main Functions Deficiency A Essential for vision in dim light; necessary for maintenance of mucous membranes; skin and growth. Reduced night vision; loss of sight through gradual damage to the cornea. Lowered resistance to infection. D Promotes calcium and phosphate absorption from food and is thus essential for bones and teeth. Failure of bones to grow and calcify leading to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. E Protects cell membranes from damage by oxidation. Deficiency may occur in premature infants or due to malabsorption.


 Healthy child 2 Brought to U.. .   and AN  ISO 9001:2008 ORGANISATION FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT WITH HEALTHY FOOD, HEALTHY LIFE STYLE.. . See some of Defective child births around the Globe from my blog   Defectivebirths Water soluble vitamins Vitamins Main Functions Deficiency Thiamin (B 1 ) Involved in the release of energy from carbohydrate. It is important for the brain and nerves, which use glucose for their energy needs. Deficiency leads to beriberi. Alcoholics sometimes develop deficiency. Riboflavin (B 2 ) Involved in energy release, especially from fat and protein. Deficiency includes changes to the mucous membrane and skin around the mouth and nose. Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine) Involved in the metabolism of protein. Deficiency may occur as a complication of disease and drug effects. B 12 Is necessary for the proper formation of blood cells and...


Healthy child 1 Brought to U....   and AN  ISO 9001:2008 ORGANISATION FOR INFERTILITY TREATMENT WITH HEALTHY FOOD, HEALTHY LIFE STYLE.. . I being Medical Astrologist I will explain you to  give birth to HEALTHY CHILD.  There are two causes 1.  Astrological Cause : I explained in detail in my websites   and 2.  Scientific Causes : Our body contains many parts to function  our day to day  life.  For smooth functioning they require some Minerals, Nutrients, Vitamins, Proteins etc... For example : If we have a Vehicle we need Fuel to run, Oil to protect moving parts, Grease to protect some parts, Air to protect Tyres and Tubes  etc... Note: I have seen many  defective children born in my 40 years of research.  Some of them are blind, deaf, dumb,hole in their heart, without hands or legs, without ki...