Anemia and Pregnancy...1

Anemia and Pregnancy.....1

Brought to U....    and

1... Anemia and Pregnancy 
Your body goes through significant changes when you become pregnant. The amount of blood in your body increases by about 20-30 percent, which increases the supply of iron and vitamins that the body needs to make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to other cells in your body.
Many women lack the sufficient amount of iron needed for the second and third trimesters. When your body needs more iron than it has available, you can become anemic.
Mild anemia is normal during pregnancy due to an increase in blood volume. More severe anemia, however, can put your baby at higher risk for anemia later in infancy. In addition, if you are significantly anemic during your first two trimesters, you are at greater risk for having a pre-term delivery or low-birth-weight baby. Being anemic also burdens the mother by increasing the risk of blood loss during labor and making it more difficult to fight infections.
The couple should take healthy food which contain Iron so that their bodies are filled with sufficient blood cells to give birth to the child...If the woman conceived without sufficient blood cells it will reflect child body also. So take care before conceiving

2...  What is iron-deficiency anemia?
Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) is a type of blood disorder. The red blood cells in your body contain the hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout your body. Your body needs iron to build enough healthy red blood cells and keep your hemoglobin at the right level.
If your body lacks the right amount of iron, you could become anemic. As a woman, it's not unusual to have anemia, especially when you're of childbearing age. Iron deficiency is by far the most common cause of anemia in pregnancy and accounts for 75 to 95 percent of all cases.
But it's not the only cause: You could also develop anemia from not getting enough folic acid or vitamin B12, by losing a lot of blood, or from having certain diseases or inherited blood disorders, such as sickle cell disease or thalassemia.
Read my my coming articles to know all scientific facts and lastly how to protect your self.

My advise
1..  Plenty of iron is available in your food such as vegetables, fruits, dry fruits etc..             2..  Take Iron rich foods before conceive...It is advisable to both couple.
3.    Oxygen is needed to carry Blood cells to your entire body and unborn child.  I told U many times that your lungs are designed by the God to take 6000 ml per minute.  This should adjust for your body as well as unborn child's requirements.  You should take care of your food which consumes less oxygen for your digestion so that remaining is useful to child's requirements i.e. to develop his body, brain cells, blood cells etc...                

4..  Once you conceive Iron requirements will increase day by day as your child is growing.   5.   Take Iron rich foods till your delivery.   Then you can enjoy with Healthy child.

Brought to U  ....


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