OXYGEN is important for U and Ur unborn child ..7

OXYGEN is important for U and Ur unborn child  ..7

Brought to U....http://successgain.us    and   http://successgain.info

11... How your child takes breathing?
Babies don’t breathe in the womb as we understand “breathing.” Instead, babies rely on their mother’s breathing to receive oxygen to their developing organs.
After nine months of growing inside of a mother’s body, a baby undergoes a complicated physical transition as they exit the womb.  Research shows this transition is one of the most intricate things our body will ever do. While babies “practice” breathing in utero, their lungs aren’t used for breathing until they take their first breath outside the womb.
The placenta and umbilical cord are organs that enable a developing baby to get everything it needs from its mother. This includes oxygen. Every breath that the mother takes brings oxygen into her bloodstream. The placenta carries oxygen to the placenta and then to the umbilical cord to the baby.
12...  Fetal breathing practice'
During weeks 10 and 11 of pregnancy, the developing fetus will start to inhale tiny bits of amniotic fluid. This “inhalation” is more like a swallowing movement. It helps the baby’s lungs as they begin to develop. By the 32nd week of pregnancy, a baby will begin to practice “breath-like” movements less like swallowing and involve compression and expanding the lungs.
Even though the baby’s lungs aren’t fully developed at 32 weeks, there is a good chance a baby born at this stage could survive outside the womb.
The breathing practice is a developmental milestone that sets the new baby up for success during their first cry. The baby’s lungs are considered mature at 36 weeks. By then a baby has had at least four weeks of breathing practice.

My advise

1...    All most of all parts of your body require Oxygen to avoid infections or other health problems
2...    Your digestion system needs Oxygen to digest your food.
3....   Your brain, heart and kidneys need oxygen for round the clock for proper functions.
4...    During in your pregnancy your unborn child needs more oxygen for development of his Brain and all other parts which you have to supply.   For that you should minimize your body consumption by following healthy food so that you can supply needed oxygen to your child.

Brought to U ......  http://successgain.info


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