OXYGEN is important for U and Ur unborn child ..9

OXYGEN is important for U and Ur unborn child  ..9

 Brought to U....http://successgain.us    and   http://successgain.info

15... How much Weight gain is Safe in your Pregnancy?
The amount of weight you can gain in each trimester differs from woman to woman. Be sure to consult your doctor with your specific questions and concerns. Here is a general guide to weight gain by trimester:
1st Trimester
During this time, most women gain very little, if any, weight. In fact, some women even lose weight because they struggle with morning sickness (nausea and vomiting). Any large weight gains in early pregnancy are probably due to eating habits.
2nd TrimesterIn this period, the child goes through a major growth spurt and the mother puts on weight accordingly. Women of average weight usually gain about 250-500 g (½ to 1.1 lb) a week during this stage.
3rd TrimesterIn the last stage of pregnancy, mothers gain about 500 g (1.1 lbs) a week. The total weight gain in the last three months is 4-6 kg (9-13 lb) on average.
It is important to note that weight gain during pregnancy can vary greatly from woman to woman, and should always be monitored by your doctor. A big factor in weight gain during pregnancy is your pre-pregnancy weight. Based on your Body Mass Index (BMI) before pregnancy, you can use the following ranges as a rough guide to determine whether your weight gain is healthy.
  • Underweight (BMI < 18.5)
    12.7 – 18.2 kg (28-40 lb)
  • Normal weight (BMI between 18.5 and 24.9): 
    11.4 – 15.9 kg (25-25 lb)
  • Overweight (BMI between 25 and 29.9): 
    6.8 – 11.4 kg (15-25 lb)
  • Heavily overweight / Obese: 
    maximum 9 kg (20 lb)
Regular exercise during pregnancy thus offers numerous benefits for you and your child. During a risk-free and healthy pregnancy, you can choose any form of exercise you want, as long as you feel good and do not put you and your child at risk. However, there are a few rules for training during pregnancy.

My advise

1...    All most of all parts of your body require Oxygen to avoid infections or other health problems
2...    Your digestion system needs Oxygen to digest your food.
3....   Your brain, heart and kidneys need oxygen for round the clock for proper functions.
4...    During in your pregnancy your unborn child needs more oxygen for development of his Brain and all other parts which you have to supply.   For that you should minimize your body consumption by following healthy food so that you can supply needed oxygen to your child.

Brought to U ......  http://successgain.info


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