Medical Fitness

Medical Fitness

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Medical Fitness
Posted in 2016

120/80 -- Normal
130/85 --Normal (Control)
140/90 -- High
150/95 -- V.High
72 per minute (standard)
60 --- 80 p.m. (Normal)
40 -- 180 p.m.(abnormal)
98.4 F (Normal)
99.0 F Above (Fever)
What’s Your Type and how common is it?
*O+* 1 in 3 37.4%
(Most common)
*A+* 1 in 3 35.7%
*B+* 1 in 12 8.5%
*AB+* 1 in 29 3.4%
*O-* 1 in 15 6.6%
*A-* 1 in 16 6.3%
*B-* 1 in 67 1.5%
*AB-* 1 in 167 .6%
*Compatible Blood Types*
O- can receive *O-*
O+ can receive *O+, O-*
A- can receive *A-, O-*
A+ can receive *A+, A-, O+, O-*
B- can receive *B-, O-*
B+ can receive *B+, B-, O+, O-*
AB- can receive *AB-, B-, A-, O-*
AB+ can receive *AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O-*
This is an important msg which can save a life! A life could be saved...
What is ur blood group ?
Share the fantastic information..
We Know Water is
important but never
knew about the
Special Times one
has to drink it.. !
*Did you know ?*
Drinking 1 Glass of Water at the Right Time Maximizes its effectiveness on the Human Body;
*1 Glass of Water*
after waking up -
helps to
activate internal
*1 Glass of Water*
30 Minutes
before a Meal -
helps digestion..
*1 Glass of Water*
before taking a
Bath - helps
lower your blood
*1 Glass of Water*
before going to
Bed - avoids
Stroke or Heart
'When someone
shares something of
value with you and
you benefit from it,
You have a moral
obligation to share
Protect your health with Healthy food, healthy life style etc....
Brought to U....


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