Best cure for Erectile dysfunction

Best cure for Erectile dysfunction

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My memories
Best cure for Erectile dysfunction
Posted 2015

There is no 'best cure' for erectile dysfunction - which treatment is best entirely depends on the nature of your problem. As a first step, you should speak to a doctor to establish why you are suffering from ED. There are various treatment options which can improve your symptoms and allow you to have sex again.
Popular medications such as Viagra, Spedra, Cialis and Levitra work for most men, but they are not suitable for everyone. Before you can take any of these medications, a doctor needs to assess whether they are suitable for you.
An alternative option for men who can’t take tablets to improve their erections is the penis pump. It creates a vacuum to improve the blood flow to your penis and it does not interact with any medication you may be taking.
It is very important that you discuss all aspects of your lifestyle and medical history with a doctor when you seek treatment - this way your doctor will be able to recommend the most suitable treatment. 
My advise
1... From the beginning I am advising every one to follow healthy habits. 
2... Your healthy habits protect your health
3... Follow healthy habits
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