Female Infertility ..Stress and infertility 3

Female Infertility ..Stress and infertility   3

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Female Infertility ..Stress and infertility   3
Posted  in 2014

Exercise. Walking, swimming, yoga, or other moderate exercise may take the edge off stress, and it has additional advantages. Overweight women who trim pounds through physical activity benefit, for example; extra body fat produces excess estrogen, which interferes with ovulation. Higher-energy workouts like running or jogging stimulate the release of feel-good endorphins. Berga warns that too much exercise for women who are already stressed, however, can make matters worse, since exertion triggers the release of cortisol. Relying exclusively on exercise to relieve stress, moreover, won't do anything about what is causing it—a hostile boss, for example.
Get individual counseling or group support. A woman struggling to get pregnant needs someone who can empathize, says Woodward. Counseling can be an outlet for feelings of confusion, sadness, and frustration. Group support, says Woodward, is particularly helpful for women who feel isolated as a result of infertility., a website of the National Infertility Association, has links to local support groups across the nation.


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