Without Sleep apnea allows adequate Oxygen in your Pregnancy

Without Sleep apnea allows adequate Oxygen in your Pregnancy Brought to U.... http://successgain.us and http://successgain.info My memories Without Sleep apnea allows adequate Oxygen in your Pregnancy Posted in 2013 One of the primary similarities between sleep apnea and pregnancy involves fatigue. Pregnancy requires certain physical changes that come with growing new life; often including shortness of breath , due to the baby pressing against the mother’s diaphragm. The dividing line between both conditions determines how much oxygen the baby has access to and the level of restorative sleep the mother is able to achieve. Pregnancy without sleep apnea allows for adequate oxygen to get to the growing baby and provides an opportunity for the mother to benefit from deep sleep. Sleep apnea works against pregnancy in that it places a roadblock for oxygen or sleep to happen. This is because when the mother lies down to go to sleep, gra...