When is woman most fertile?

When is woman most fertile?

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When is woman most fertile?
Posted in 2013

The days during each cycle when you are most fertile, and therefore most likely to get pregnant from unprotected sex, are the day of ovulation and the day before – these are the two days of peak fertility. There are also a few days before this when you experience high fertility and also have an opportunity to get pregnant. Outside this ‘fertility window’ of about six days, the chances of getting pregnant are low.

There are only a few days (typically six) each cycle when you can get pregnant, the days leading up to and the day of ovulation. So, knowing when these days are in your cycle is key if you are trying for a baby. There are various signs and symptoms of ovulation and most methods of detecting ovulation rely on these to help you identify your fertile days. In this article, we look at these signs and symptoms and show how they can be used to help you:

My advise
1...  Try for a child between 6th day to 11th day
2...  Fill all needed nutrients in your body before
3.... During ovulation day your body temperature will be more...Observe it.

Brought to U....http://successgain.us


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