Birth defects - Heart defects affects on different parts

Birth defects - Heart defects affects on different parts

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Birth defects - Heart defects affects on different parts
Posted in 2014

Heart defects can affect different parts of your baby’s heart, including:
  • Septum. This is the wall that splits the right and left sides of the heart.
  • Heart valves. These open and close to control blood flow to and from the heart.
  • Arteries and veins. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart to the body. Veins are blood vessels that carry blood from the body to the heart.
Heart defects can affect your baby’s blood flow, causing blood to:
  • Slow down
  • Go in the wrong direction or to the wrong place
  • Be blocked completely
My advise
1...   Follow healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy
2...   Couples positive thinking will avoid birth defects
3....  When you want to give birth to Healthy child start positive thinking for at least 2 months before you conceive.   It will avoid maximum birth defects

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