Difference between Ovulation and fertile days

Difference between Ovulation and fertile days

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My memories
Difference between Ovulation and fertile days
Posted in 2013

While an egg only survives for up to 24 hours, sperm can remain active for up to five days. It may therefore be surprising to learn that a couple can conceive through sexual intercourse four to five days before the egg is released.
The total ‘fertility window’, taking into account the lifetime of both the sperm and the egg, is about six days. The 'fertile days' are all the days during your menstrual cycle when you have the ability to become pregnant if you have unprotected sex.
Identification of additional fertile days provides couples with more flexibility to plan intercourse around their lifestyle and also more opportunities to conceive, which may reduce the pressure that couples can experience when trying to get pregnant.
Please note the above to conceive
My advise
1...  If you want to prepare for any examination what will U do?  You will study all the lessons long before and on examinations date you will take Pen, pencil and other to the examination.  With positive thinking you will write the examination.  Like prepare your bodies to fill all needed nutrients before the fertile days and enjoy with your life partner.   2... Your child will be healthy ..  3...  Wait for fertile days to enjoy with your life partner

Brought to U....http://successgain.us


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