Adverse effects on your child's development

Adverse effects on your child's development

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Adverse effects on your child's development
Posted in 2015

Although the womb provides protection, the fetus remains indirectly connected to the outside world through its mother. Several factors that are linked to the mother can harm the fetus:
  • Poor nutrition
  • Use of alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Use of certain prescription or over-the-counter drugs
  • Use of recreational drugs such as cocaine, sedatives, and narcotics
  • X-rays and other kinds of radiation
  • Ingested toxins, such as lead
  • Illnesses such as AIDS, German measles, syphilis, cholera, smallpox, mumps, or severe flu
1...   You are going to give birth to a child to live in this universe for full of life span
2..    If  you follow unhealthy habits as stated above will cause birth as defective child
3...   Follow healthy habits to have healthy child

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