Risk factors of anemia during pregnancy

Risk factors of anemia during pregnancy

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Risk factors of anemia during pregnancy
Posted in 2013

Risk Factors for Anemia in Pregnancy

All pregnant women are at risk for becoming anemic. That's because they need more iron and folic acid than usual. But the risk is higher if you:
  • Are pregnant with multiples (more than one child)
  • Have had two pregnancies close together
  • Vomit a lot because of morning sickness
  • Are a pregnant teenager
  • Don't eat enough foods that are rich in iron
  • Had anemia before you became pregnant

Symptoms of Anemia During Pregnancy

The most common symptoms of anemia during pregnancy are:
  • Pale skin, lips, and nails
  • Feeling tired or weak
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Trouble concentrating
In the early stages of anemia, you may not have obvious symptoms. And many of the symptoms are ones that you might have while pregnant even if you're not anemic. So be sure to get routine blood tests to check for anemia at your prenatal appointments.

Risks of Anemia in Pregnancy

Severe or untreated iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy can increase your risk of having:
  • A preterm or low-birth-weight baby
  • A blood transfusion (if you lose a significant amount of blood during delivery)
  • Postpartum depression
  • A baby with anemia
  • A child with developmental delays

My advise
1...  Anemia during your pregnancy may cause many risk factors for you and your child.
2...  The only thing you can protect U and Ur child is to eat Healthy food which will have Iron, Folate and Vitamin B12 sufficient to U and Ur child
3.... Eat well and wait to enjoy wit your child

Brought to U ....  http://successgain.us


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