Consider to be Normal Iron

Consider to be Normal Iron

Brought to U.....   and

My memories
Consider to be Normal Iron
Posted in 2013

If you have been trying to conceive with no luck, and are worried your iron status is to blame, what ferritin levels should you be aiming for? Labs have a massive “healthy” range for ferritin, with values ranging from approximately 20 – 200 ng per mL in women. Luckily for you, Naturopathic Doctors like to look at lab values a little differently, categorizing them into “unhealthy” states, “suboptimal” states, and “optimal” states. This ensures you are reaching the absolute optimal state of health to increase your chances of pregnancy!
  • Unhealthy State (AKA Iron Deficiency): below 11 ng per mL
  • Suboptimal State (AKA Reduced Stores): 30-60 ng per mL
  • Optimal State: above 50 ng per mL
When it comes to ferritin and fertility, we want to aim for 50 ng per mL and over. Although 50 ng per mL still technically falls into the “suboptimal” state, in menstruating women this should be enough to become and remain pregnant!
You can check your body iron levels as shown in the picture... If your hands or your skin are pale you are iron deficient.   You should take care of your self and your unborn child  with your iron sufficient food
My advise
1...  Iron is important for  us to form blood cells.
2...  Iron deficiency is the most common problem for all woman due to their monthly menses
3..   Every woman needs to take minimum of 1000 mg iron daily
4.... Pregnant woman should take more than 1500 mg irons for herself and unborn child's need.
5.... Plenty of iron is available in your food.....vegetables, pulses, fruits .................

Brought to U ....


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