Creating Child's personality

Creating Child's personality

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Creating Child's personality
Posted in 2014

Research indicates that even before birth, mothers' moods may affect child development," comments Dr. Catherine Monk, a researcher at Columbia University. In summarizing Monk's work, Anne Murphy Paul in her cover story for Time magazine writes, "a pregnant women's mental state can shape her offspring's psyche." These observations and those of others investigating fetal origins — the study of how the nine months of gestation influence physical, mental, intellectual, and emotional functioning — mirror empirical observations long noted by mental health providers.
On some level, what the pregnant mother feels emotionally is transferred directly to her unborn child. Because of this, constant negative emotions can have a damaging affect on the fetus.
The fetus absorbs negative emotions like anger, stress or frustration. Feelings most adults experience throughout their stressful days. However, the most harm is done when a mother doesn’t want the child. These and other negative emotions shape the baby’s personality.
Then there’s the father…
Throughout the pregnancy, the fetus is also affected by the father’s feelings toward the mother and their child. That’s because the fetus can absorb its parents’ emotional energy. This energy helps create how the child will see itself in its life ahead. For example, it will feel happy or sad, be aggressive or meek, secure or insecure.
And some studies show parents begin affecting their child’s personality soon after conception.
Every couple think that the personality will be developed of their child after birth with training... it is not correct. The child's brain will be started before birth and child shows interest in the subject what is in his brain. It parents encourage the child then the child will reach to the highest position with learning the subject after birth.
I advise every parents to encourage your child

My advise
1....  If you’ve ever needed more reasons to relax, take it easy and have fun during pregnancy, here’s a good one: there’s a chance your baby’s personality may be shaped by your activities and emotions.
2... Many researchers believe, starts to form in utero. While genetics play a huge role in how new babies respond to stimulation, react to unexpected circumstances and deal with emotions, researchers in the growing field of prenatal psychology have found that environmental factors and some of the things parents do — such as talking, singing or eating a diverse diet — also may have an impact on how their babies come out of the womb.
3... Defined as a combination of temperament, habits, responses and ways of thinking, personality is a complex and evolving thing. Whether a kid is introverted, extroverted or a mix of both could already be predetermined by the combination of genes passed down from both mother and father. But whether a baby is calm, happy-go-lucky, or even a good eater could be influenced by things the mother does throughout her pregnancy, as babies start developing their senses before ever entering the outside world.
4... While playing classical music might not make a baby genius, it could be a calming factor for both mother and child that stimulates prenatal learning and cognitive development. Some researchers have found that singing songs and talking to your baby could have similar effects and familiarize babies with certain songs that could be comforting after birth. However, other researchers disagree.
5... Babies also can be born with accents. One study found that depending on what they’ve been hearing in the womb, a French’s baby’s cry could sound differently than an American baby’s cry
6... In terms of taste, a mother could help develop a little gourmand by eating a diverse diet of healthy foods that expand a baby’s palate even before they’re born.
7....By eating lots of bitter greens and spices, for instance, a baby might develop a taste for complex foods and foods that are harder to like, as these flavors find their way through amniotic fluids. This could make the baby more open to trying new foods and be a little less picky later in life.
8.... Couple should think how their child should be?  Not simply giving the birth to a child but give  birth to a well social mannered child. 
9....   For this the couple should develop positive thinking before conceiving

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