Causes of mental retardation in young n middle aged

Causes of mental retardation in young n middle aged

Brought to U.....   and

My memories
Causes of mental retardation in young n middle aged
Posted in 2015

Symptoms in young and middle-aged adults include:
  • chronic headaches
  • loss of coordination
  • difficulty walking
  • bladder problems
  • vision problems
  • poor memory
  • difficulty concentrating

Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH)

This form of the condition usually begins slowly and is more common in adults over the age of 60. One of the earliest signs is falling suddenly without losing consciousness. Other common symptoms of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) include:
  • changes in the way you walk
  • impaired mental functions, such as memory problems
  • trouble controlling urine
  • trouble controlling stools
  • headaches
My advise
1...  The child's brain during in your womb requires 60% water and sufficient oxygen to open all cells.  The mother has to supply it daily failing which he may be mental retarded.
2... Supply above as  your child needs.
3...  Be happy and positive
4...  Avoid unnecessary arguments and tensions..  Relax with your life partner
5...  In young and middle aged they should walk few seconds after drinking water to absorb in the body.

Brought to U ....


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