Know about Thyroid Gland ..4

Know about Thyroid Gland  ..4

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Know about Thyroid Gland  ..4
Posted in 2014

How is my thyroid gland controlled?

There has to be some sort of mechanism that regulates very carefully the amount of T4 and T3 secreted by your thyroid gland so that the right - the normal - amounts are manufactured and delivered into the blood stream. The mechanism is very similar to that which regulates the central heating in a house where there is a thermostat in, say, the living room, which is set to a particular temperature and which activates the gas- or oil-fired furnace, or boiler that heats the hot water. In the case of the thyroid the ‘thermostat’ consists of a little gland, called the pituitary gland that lies underneath your brain in your skull. The pituitary senses the level of thyroid hormones in your blood stream, just as the thermostat in your living room senses the temperature. Under normal circumstances, if the level drops just a little below normal, the pituitary reacts by secreting a hormone called the thyroid stimulating hormone, also known as TSH, and this hormone activates the thyroid gland to put out more T4 and T3.
Conversely, when the thyroid hormone levels rise above normal the ‘thermostat’ senses this and the pituitary stops secreting TSH so that the thyroid gland stops working so hard and the secretion of T4 and T3 is reduced.

My advise
!...  Thyroid gland will release Two important hormones Thyroxine i.e T4  and  Triodothyronine i.e T3 which are very important for our body functions.
2....If these hormones are less or excess will called as thyroid problem
3... It check all nutrients entered in our neck with our food and send it to needed parts of the body
ex...Calcium to the bone structure, iron to blood ...............
4...  Due to our unhealthy life food it tries to do its job but when unwanted or unhealthy contents in our food spoils its function  it called as thyroid problem
5..   When thyroid gland is damaged due to unhealthy food  it will not produce T4 and T3 hormones as needed.   The result will be negative on our body like weak bones, infertility problem.......................
6.... Follow healthy food to protect your thyroid gland to avoid health problems.

Brought to U ....


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