Depression during pregnancy ....3

Depression during  pregnancy ....3

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Depression during  pregnancy ....3
Posted in 2015

Depression affects on you

If you have depression while you’re pregnant, you may have trouble caring for yourself.
Depression during pregnancy can also lead to:
  • miscarriage,
  • delivering before the due date (preterm),
  • giving birth to a small baby (low birth weight).
If depression during pregnancy isn’t treated, it can lead to postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a serious condition that can last for months after giving birth. It can affect your health and how well you bond with your baby.

 “baby blues” and postpartum depression

The “baby blues” is a mild form of postpartum depression that many new moms experience. It usually starts 1 to 3 days after the birth and can last for 10 days to a few weeks. With “baby blues”, many women have mood swings—happy one minute and crying the next. They may feel anxious, confused, or have trouble eating or sleeping. Up to 80% of new moms have the “baby blues”. It’s common, and it will go away on its own.
About 13% of new mothers experience postpartum depression, which is more serious and lasts longer. You are at a greater risk if you have a family history of depression or have had depression before.
Some of the symptoms include:
  • feeling like you can’t care for your baby,
  • extreme anxiety or panic attacks,
  • trouble making decisions,
  • feeling very sad,
  • hopelessness, and
  • feeling out of control.
No one knows exactly what causes postpartum depression. If you think you have the symptoms, it’s important to get help right away. Postpartum depression needs to be treated. Talk to your doctor or call your local public health office.
My advise
1...  I advise every couple to be happy even before conceiving because when you are happy your body  will release healthy hormones, eggs and sperm.
2...  When you decided to give birth to a healthy child your bodies will cooperate it.
3...  If you are depressed it will give bad effect on your health and your unborn child
4...  This impact on your child's brain which will cause your child to be  isolate, poor in education, poor in any activity...................    Avoid these negative characters on you child  with your happiness.

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