Causes of Cerebral palsy

Causes of Cerebral palsy

Brought to U.....   and

My memories
Causes of Cerebral palsy
Posted  in 2015

Abnormal brain development or injury to the developing brain can cause CP. The damage affects the part of the brain that controls body movement, coordination, and posture.
The brain damage usually occurs before birth, but it can also happen during birth or the first years of life. In most cases, the exact cause of CP isn’t known. Some of the possible causes include:
  • asphyxia neonatorum, or a lack of oxygen to the brain during labor and delivery
  • gene mutations that result in abnormal brain development
  • severe jaundice in the infant
  • maternal infections, such German measles and herpes simplex
  • brain infections, such as enephalitis and meningitis
  • intracranial hemorrhage, or bleeding into the brain
  • head injuries as a result of a car accident, a fall, or child abuse
My advise
1...  The child's brain during in your womb requires 60% water and sufficient oxygen to open all cells.  The mother has to supply it daily failing which he may be mental retarded.
2... Supply above as  your child needs.
3...  Be happy and positive
4...  Avoid unnecessary arguments and tensions..  Relax with your life partner
5..   Unexpected injury or incident may cause mental retardation
6....  It may also happen due to lack of oxygen to the brain during labor and delivery

Brought to U ....


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