Research on Depression during pregnancy... 2

Research on Depression during pregnancy...   2

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Research on Depression during pregnancy...   2
Posted in 2015

Research by Scientists::Children whose mothers were depressed only during their preschool years had the greatest level of behavioral and emotional problems, while kids whose mothers were only depressed during pregnancy didn't have any difficulties in these areas.
Women with chronic depression, whether moderate or more severe, had kids with some emotional or behavioral issues, the study found.
The results add to a growing body of research linking maternal depression to developmental problems in their children, said Erika Forbes, a child psychology researcher at the University of Pittsburgh. Generally, though, children are more at risk when families have other problems such as financial hardship or marital stress, Forbes, who wasn't involved in the current study, said by email.
The heightened risk experienced by preschoolers in the study suggests that the timing of maternal depression also plays a role in child development, Forbes said.
The above words are expressed by Scientists...I wish to bring to your notice so that you will take care of your self and your unborn child.

My advise
1....  When the couple decided to give birth to a child then always be happy to have healthy child.
2....  They should avoid the sorrow situations if any
3...   Always be positive

Brought to U  ....


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