Our body functions are natural

Our body functions are natural

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Our body functions are natural
Posted in 2012

Our body functions are natural
All of our body parts are depend on 1. Air 2. Water and 3. Healthy food. If we supply in which it desires you will not face any Health or Infertility Problem..Most of our Health or Infertility problems are due to insufficient supply of above. Every one studies Biological Science or Medicine or In primary education know the importance of above. But most of us are ignoring the importance of above and facing various health or infertility problems. We are depend on Hospitals but not our self. I advise every one to supply above as your body need to avoid any problems. You are not taking Air it is natural function, you will not eat until your body tells U and U will not drink water till your body tells. But all are insufficient to you body due to which we are facing problems. What ever your body needs are available in our Nature.

My advise
1....  Have you seen any animal taking medicine?   The answer is NO
2...   We are included in biology as our body parts are similar to animal and functions are also similar.
3....  Every animal 1.. Breath oxygen  2.. Drink water  and   3..  Eat healthy food according to their body.  This is the nature principle
4...   Follow nature to protect your health and give birth to a child naturally as animals are giving.

Brought  to U ....  http://successgain.us


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