Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency

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My memories
Iron deficiency
Posted in 2013

Have you been feeling tired, weak, dizzy, short of breath, or always cold? If you answered yes, you’re not alone! These symptoms are often a tell-tale sign of iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency is the MOST COMMON nutritional deficiency among women of reproductive age. The reason iron deficiency is so common is that we ladies menstruate every month, lose quite a bit of blood, and therefore lose quite a bit of iron too.
Most women are aware of the fact that iron deficiency can leave us feeling absolutely exhausted and run down. However, what many women don’t realize is that iron deficiency can have significant impacts on our fertility. If we are lacking iron (and therefore lacking adequate oxygen delivery to our body’s tissues), how can we be expected to get pregnant and stay pregnant? Iron deficiency and fertility go hand in hand. If you’ve been struggling with infertility, it’s time to take a look at your iron status.
My advise
1...  Iron is important for  us to form blood cells.
2...  Iron deficiency is the most common problem for all woman due to their monthly menses
3..   Every woman needs to take minimum of 1000 mg iron daily
4.... Pregnant woman should take more than 1500 mg irons for herself and unborn child's need.
5.... Plenty of iron is available in your food.....vegetables, pulses, fruits .................

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