Child birth..Male or Female ..Criminal or undesired

Child birth..Male or Female ..Criminal or undesired

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Child birth..Male or Female ..Criminal or undesired
Posted in 2013

Cause of Child births Male or Female or Criminal or Undesired
I have seen in many families that all are Male children or Female children. I asked to many Medical Expert about this. They told me 1 A normal man has an X and a Y sex chromosome and a normal woman has two X chromosomes. 2. If the father’s contribution is the X chromosome the baby continues to develop as female with a surge of female hormones. 3. If it is Y then the child will be Male. 4. The female always has contain X chromosome.
I researched this topic with Medical Astrology. I noted 1. Birth details of couples 2. Time of Sex 3. Planetary periods. I found the cause that 1. If dominated planet is Jupiter or Sun or Mars the child will be Male 2. If dominated planet is Saturn or Moon or Venus the child will be Female. It has proved the Gender.
I also studied about a Male by birth but possess Female Qualities...The reason is Mercury with weak or defected Male planets.
I also studied about Female by by birth but posses Male qualities. ..The reason is dominated female planet associated or related or other with Male planet as said above.
I also studied the cause of Criminal or undesired nature....The Reason defected Rahu, Mars, Saturn, Ketu is associated or related Moon, Sun, Ascendent...
I wish Every Couple should have Healthy and Brilliant child without above qualities.

My advise
1....  Every couple wish to have a child with good behavior not criminal nor undesired.
2...   I wish U to have healthy child with good character

Brought to U ...


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