Research on Depression during pregnancy... 3

Research on Depression during pregnancy...   3

Brought to U....    and

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Research on Depression during pregnancy...   3
Posted in 2015

Research by Scientists:::"During preschool, children's increasing independence but less-than-optimal self-control can make it especially challenging for mothers (or any caregivers) to set limits, grant autonomy and resolve conflicts," she said. "If mothers are depressed, they might find themselves too exhausted or emotionally taxed to engage in the kind of vigorous parenting that preschoolers tend to need."
While many women may experience what's commonly called "baby blues" for a few weeks after giving birth as they adjust to life with a new infant, symptoms that don't go away or that keep women from caring for their babies or engaging in normal activities might be depression, said David Bridgett, director of the Emotion Regulation and Temperament Laboratory at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb.
Medication or therapy may help ease symptoms of depression, but mothers might also need help learning new ways of interacting with their children, Bridgett, who wasn't involved in the study, said by email.
"Depression can affect parent-child interactions, which in turn, may be one way that maternal depression affects children," he said. "Because we know that children of mothers who are depressed are at higher risk of behavioral and emotional problems, they may need treatment as well."
So far I brought to your notice about Depression of Mother on unborn child by Scientists research. I told U many times that your Mind is the main cause of defective births. Before and after pregnancy the couple should be happy and healthy till Delivery. No use If you feel about child birth...Prevention is always better..I wish U to have Healthy child..

My advise
1....  When the couple decided to give birth to a child then always be happy to have healthy child.
2....  They should avoid the sorrow situations if any
3...   Always be positive

Brought to U  ....


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