Chromosome issues for miscarriage

Chromosome issues for miscarriage

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Chromosome issues for miscarriage
Posted in 2014

About 50 percent of miscarriages are due to chromosome issues. Errors occur randomly when the cells of the embryo divide, or are due to a damaged egg or sperm cell. Problems with the placenta can also lead to a miscarriage.
Examples of these chromosome abnormalities include:
  • intrauterine fetal demise: The embryo forms but stops developing before you see or feel symptoms of pregnancy loss.
  • blighted ovum: No embryo forms at all.
  • molar pregnancy: Molar pregnancies are rare. There is usually an abnormal placenta growth, but since both sets of chromosomes come from the father, no fetal development occurs.
  • partial molar pregnancy: This happens when the mother’s chromosomes remains, but the father has also provided two sets of chromosomes. This causes placenta abnormalities and an abnormal fetus.

My advise
1...  Miscarriages happened due to unhealthy life style or advanced age of woman
2...  Give birth to a child at your young age.
3...  Follow healthy habits to avoid miscarriages
4.... Develop and practice positive thinking

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