Vitamin D is needed to You

Vitamin D is needed to You

Brought to U....    and

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Vitamin D is needed to You
Posted in 2012

Vitamini D deficiency may cause Many health problems
deficiency has become a pandemic with about 1 billion people all over the world having low levels of vitamin D. Although adequate levels of vitamin D can be produced by the body with regular exposure to sunlight, vitamin D insufficiency prevails in India due to several other factors like dietary habits, increasing pollution and genetics.
The fact that vitamin D alone can influence about 3000 genes of our body (out of the total 24000 genes) clearly signifies its importance in our system. Extensive studies have explored the role of vitamin D in health problems. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to over a hundred health issues till now. Here are top 12 health risks you might be facing due to low levels of vitamin D.
1. Diabetes 2. Hypertension 3.Cardiovascular risk 4. Flu 5. Aneamia 6. Weak Bones 7. Brain Damage 8. Infertility 9. Chrohn's disease 10. Ageing 11. Depression and 12. Cancer
Most of us are not known this...Vitamin D is sufficiently available morning sun light and evening sun light. It is also available in your Food...Protect your health 

My advise
1...   Vitamin D is available in Sunlight
2..    About 3000 health problems are due to deficiency of Vitamin D and most of the peoples are suffering from health problems  as mentioned above
3...  If you want to conceive you should expose your body 1... 15 to 20 minutes if you are fair  2..20 to 30 minutes if you dark
4...  You should continue upto your delivery to have a child without bone defects

Brought to U ...


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