Menstrual Cycle - Female

Menstrual Cycle- Female

Brought to U....    and

My memories - Female
Menstrual Cycle
Posted in 2013

This is a biological process that occurs in human females from the time they attain puberty. When a girl child is born, the primary oocytes already occur. When the child reaches puberty, the process of meiosis continues to give rise to the secondary oocyte. This secondary oocyte is released from each ovary alternatively in every alternate month.
Each ovary releases this secondary oocyte alternative The fallopian tube picks it up and transports it to the uterus. The surface of the ovary that has released the egg is called the corpus luteum. It releases progesterone. If the egg doesn’t fertilize, the corpus luteum disintegrates after 14 days and the progesterone levels fall.
This causes disintegration of the uterine lining which is called menses or the monthly cycle. If fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum stays and no shedding of the uterine lining occurs. The uterus prepares for the implantation of the fetus.

My advise
1... Your should observe your menstrual cycle even before marriage.
2..  Generally it should be 28 days span between two. menses periods
3... If it delayed and early means your life style is wrong.
4..  Follow healthy habits to have regular menstrual cycle

Brought to U ...


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