Side effects of birth control pills

Side effects of birth control pills

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Side effects of birth control pills
Posted in 2013

In addition to nausea, the most common side effects caused by the pill include:
  • breast soreness tenderness, or enlargement
  •  headaches
  •  moodiness
  •  reduced sex drive
  •  spotting in between periods or irregular periods
  •  weight gain or loss
Most of these side effects are mild. They usually go away within a few months after you start taking the pill. One rare but serious side effect of birth control use is a blood clot in the leg (deep vein thrombosis), which if untreated can lead to a blood clot in your lungs ( pulmonary embolism) and possibly death.
This risk is rare. However, your risk is increased if you have used the pill for a long time, you smoke, or you are older 35 years.
My advise
1...  Avoid birth control pills
2....  Follow natural method to postpone your pregnancy
3....  Follow healthy habits and healthy food

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  1. It is very wrong to use birth control pills before intercourse. It is necessary to use it after. Do some research and you will find out. I left a link

  2. Details


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