Risk factors for miscarriage

Risk factors for miscarriage

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My memories
Risk factors for miscarriage
Posted in 2014

Most miscarriages are due to natural and unpreventable causes. However, certain risk factors can increase your chances of having a miscarriage. These include:
  • body trauma
  • radiation exposure
  • drug use
  • alcohol abuse
  • excessive caffeine consumption
  • smoking
  • previous miscarriage
  • being underweight or overweight
  • chronic, uncontrolled conditions, like diabetes
Being at an older age can also affect your risk for miscarriages.
AgeRisk of having a miscarriage
under 30 years of age1 in 10
35 to 39 years of age2 in 10
over 45 years of agemore than half
Having one miscarriage doesn’t increase your risk for having other miscarriages. Only one in 100 women experience three or more miscarriages in a row. Over 60 percent of these women also go on to carry a baby to full-term.

My advise
1...  Miscarriages happened due to unhealthy life style or advanced age of woman
2...  Give birth to a child at your young age.
3...  Follow healthy habits to avoid miscarriages
4.... Develop and practice positive thinking

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