Types of miscarriage

Types of miscarriage

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My memories
Types of miscarriage
Posted in 2014

There are many different types of miscarriage. Depending on the cause of your miscarriage and stage of your pregnancy, your doctor will classify your condition as a:
  • blighted ovum, where a fertilized egg implants into your uterine wall, but fetal development never begins
  • complete miscarriage, where the products of conception are expelled from your body
  • incomplete miscarriage, where the membranes are ruptured, and your cervix is dilated or thinned
  • missed miscarriage, where the embryo dies without your knowledge, and you don’t deliver it
  • recurrent miscarriage, where you’ve had three or more consecutive first-trimester miscarriages
  • ectopic miscarriage, where an egg implants somewhere other than your uterus, usually in your fallopian tubes
  • threatened miscarriage, where bleeding and cramps point to a possible upcoming miscarriage

My advise
1... Miscarriages happened due to unhealthy life style or advanced age of woman
2... Give birth to a child at your young age.
3... Ectopic pregnancy is the pregnancy formed in Tubes.. If child develops in the tube it may burst which will be dangerous to the mother... In this case  doctors will remove pregnancy.. It can be avoided with positive thinking before conceive.
4.. Follow healthy habits to avoid miscarriages
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