How your child will be SUCCESSFUL?

How your child will be SUCCESSFUL?

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How your child will be SUCCESSFUL?
Posted in 2014

Every one knows I am Medical Astrologist but no one knows what I am doing? I studied and researched on 1. Marriages : I studied more than 2000 couples whose marriage is not successful viz...some one lost their partner with an Accident or Health Problem or other, whose profession is downfall after marriage, whose health fall after marriage etc...some couple suffers from various financial or health or without children or other....I found the reason that before fixing marriage they have not studied their birth charts whether the match is correct or other and marriage Muhurtha is Wrong.
You might have seen that the elder people bless the couple SHATAMANAM BHAVATHI which means the couple should Live Happily for 100 years but why the couple suffered from above problems.? The answer is as said above. 2. Children - Infertility Problems:: You might have seen animals. All parts of our body is similar and functions are also similar. When animals are giving birth to their child without consulting a specialists or hospitals why we are suffering from Infertility Problems? The answer is simple ..Animals are following Healthy food, Healthy life style etc..according to their body.but we are not following due to which we suffering from Infertility Problem...I applied my theory on many couples who followed my guidance I found positive results...I studied the Profession ....Every couple wish that their child should settle in respected Profession but I have seen many children who are Criminal or undesired. I studied and researched on it...Particular planets in their birth is main for the Profession Ex...Sun..It gives Medical Profession but how to choose their subject ...for profession....Sun with associated planet will give Profession...Ex. Sun with Venus will be Infertility or female problems, 
Sun with Saturn will be Surgeon
I applied my theory on couples whose planetary position calculated for Sex....It given wonderful results per Astrology all results are based on Time of work you do..that is reason why Hindus Put Muhurtha for any work.
3..Name of your Child::If you have pet animal U will call with a particular Name...When the animal with that name listen your call it will come to U.
Likely your child name...
I calculated the Date of birth, Day, Month, etcc...on the basis Astrology and tallied for child's health, profession etc....This name should satisfy all then only they will be SUCCESSFUL....
I wish Every one should enjoy with their child ..visit my blogs to know Profession, Infertility Problems etc. Brought to U by..


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