Recovering from miscarriage

Recovering from miscarriage

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My memories
Recovering from miscarriage
Posted in 2014

Your body’s recovery will depend on how far along your pregnancy was before the miscarriage. After a miscarriage, you might experience the following symptoms:
  • vaginal bleeding like a menstrual period or spotting
  • lower abdominal pain or cramps
  • discomfort or engorgement in the breasts
While pregnancy hormones might last in the blood for a couple months after a miscarriage, you should start having normal periods again in three to six weeks. You can resume your normal activities as soon as you feel ready to do so. Listen to your body. It’s important that you give yourself time to heal physically and emotionally.

My advise
1..   Forget the incidence of miscarriage
2...  Always be happy with your life partner

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