Exercise will improve the chances to conceive

Exercise will improve the chances to conceive

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Exercise will improve the chances to conceive
Posted in 2012

These days experts like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) urge women who are expecting or planning to get pregnant to get more physically active. Why? Regular workouts get your body in top baby-making shape by toning muscles including your heart, which has to pump up to 50 percent more blood to supply you and your growing baby. Exercise reduces stress, which has been shown by numerous studies to block the best conception efforts, and it helps you to sleep better. And working out on the regular can help you to maintain a healthy weight, which is important since pregnancy is not the time to try and lose pounds — and being overweight or obese during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
It's a good idea to get a fitness routine in place before you get pregnant, so you'll have an easier time mustering the get-up-and-go when working up the energy is tougher. But even when motivation is tough to come by, those pregnancy workouts are well worth the effort. Once you do get pregnant, exercise offers loads of benefits, reducing risk of pregnancy complications and the severity of common pregnancy symptoms like backaches and bloating, all while likely boosting your baby's brain development and heart health. Big bonus: being in shape can even help make delivery day go more smoothly.

My advise
1....  Exercise will help to keep you body healthy and improve the chances to conceive.
2...   You need not to do exercise if you job or work is physical

Brought to U ... http://successgain.info


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