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Woman born without Uterus or Ovaries

Woman born without Uterus or Ovaries

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Woman born without Uterus or Ovaries
Posted in 2012

Many conditions may result in the situation you report. The most likely is one called androgen insensitivity syndrome, in which the body is genetically programmed to be male, but something happens to prevent that from happening properly.
In this condition, the gonads (the organs that would become either ovaries or testicles) are present and produce high levels of the male hormone testosterone. This would normally trigger male development, but the body cells are unable to respond to the male hormones. Without a signal to trigger the development of male characteristics, the body develops into a female form. Meanwhile, the gonads -- which are still operating as though the body is male -- also produce a substance called Mullerian inhibiting factor that blocks formation of a uterus.
As the uterus and upper vagina do not form normally in this case, the gonads "get confused." Instead of becoming ovaries, they develop into abnormal testicles. With careful searching, these abnormal gonads can often be found in the abdomen.
Women with this condition are generally taller than their peers and have less body hair. This condition is diagnosed by measuring testosterone levels and checking chromosomes for the presence of a 46XY (male) chromosomal pattern.

The problem NO UTERUS by birth cannot be Solved. It is the mistake of their parents who doesn't have Positive thinking. For example....If you are constructing a building you will think where to purchase plot or flat, the facilities for your children education, hospitals etc...likewise you should take proper care mentally to give birth to Healthy child it is called Positive thinking. The couple should practice positive thoughts for at least 3 months before conceiving so as to avoid defective child birth.
Your food and life style plays an important role to give birth to the Child. Every animal is following this principle and giving birth to their child..It is the principle of God to create Beautiful world with Healthy and Brilliant children....Please follow natures principle and give birth to Healthy and Brilliant child..All the Best

My advise
1.... Uterus is very important for woman to conceive.
2...  There is one option to transplant Uterus but getting healthy uterus is very difficult.
3...  When woman born without uterus should consider Surrogacy to become a mother.
4...  I advise every couple not to give birth to a child without uterus.. It is in your hands.  Practice positive thinking before and till delivery.

Brought to U ...


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