Bilateral Renal Agenesis

Bilateral Renal agenesis

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Bilateral Renal agenesis
Posted in 2013

In bilateral renal agenesis neither kidney develops in the womb. (‘Bilateral’ means two sides.) Babies with this condition have no working kidneys. 

Tests and diagnosis in pregnancy

The 20 week antenatal ultrasound scan looks at your baby growing in the womb. If the person doing the ultrasound cannot see kidneys, or can only see a small amount of tissue where the kidneys should be, bilateral renal will be suspected. 
The scan also measures the amount of amniotic fluid (or liquor), the fluid that your baby floats in. The baby’s kidneys start making urine and pass this out into the amniotic fluid. This fluid protects your baby from getting hurt from the outside and helps his or her lungs mature so he or she is ready to breathe after birth. If there is very little or no fluid, this is another sign of a serious problem with the kidneys, such as bilateral renal agenesis  .


If bilateral renal agenesis is suspected, you will be referred to specialist professionals as early as possible in the pregnancy. They may include:
  • foetal medicine specialist – a doctor who specialises in the health of unborn babies (foetuses)
  • obstetrician – a doctor who specialises in pregnancy, delivering babies and the care of women after childbirth
  • paediatrician – a doctor who treats babies, children and young people 
  • paediatric nephrologist – a doctor who treats babies, children and young people with kidney problems 
  • neonatologist – a doctor who specialises in newborn babies.

Further tests

You may need more ultrasound scans during the pregnancy to help find out whether it is bilateral renal agenesis

My advise
1....  When both of kidneys have not developed before birth than the child will have less life span
2...   I advise every couple wish to have  healthy child should develop positive thinking before conceiving

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