Vitamin D deficiency people

Vitamin D deficiency people

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Vitamin D deficiency people
Posted in 2014

The rate of deficiency varies, but studies have documented rates as high as 97% in some pregnant populations; the rates vary by race and latitude.
The high prevalence of deficiency in the population is due, in large part, to vitamin D’s mode of production and changes in human lifestyle and culture. Vitamin D is produced primarily through direct exposure of the skin to the sun. Over the past 50 years, as more and more people have come to spend their days in an office or factory instead of on a farm, the opportunity to produce vitamin D has greatly diminished.
Other entities or practices that reduce the production of vitamin D:
  • Sunscreen SPF 50 may prevent skin cancer, but it also blocks vitamin D production.
  • Fat cells Obese patients produce vitamin D less rapidly than patients of normal weight.
  • Melanin Darker-skinned people produce vitamin D at a slower rate than those who have fair skin.
  • Cultural practices Some religious and cultural practices mandate full skin coverage in public, particularly for women, leading to minimal sun exposure.
  • Age Older people also produce vitamin D more slowly. Among the population of reproductive age, however, the effect of age is minimal.
  • Latitude Northern latitudes, with their longer winters and shorter summers, provide less opportunity for sun exposure.
Because vitamin D is, in essence, a “seasonal” vitamin, it makes evolutionary sense that the human body has developed a wide normal range to “store up” vitamin D when sunshine is plentiful and then use its stores during times of scarcity, such as winter. This seasonal variability is another reason why the rate of deficiency can vary, depending on the time and location of study.
Because vitamin D deficiency is clinically silent until severe events such as rickets occur, the best way to check for it is to measure total levels of the two forms of vitamin D found in the body—D2 and D3. The recommended test is total 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25-OHD). Measurement of the activated form of vitamin D—1,25-OHD—will not tell you whether a person’s overall stores are lacking, because the body maintains a normal 1,25-OHD level over a wide range until severe deficiency occurs.

My advise
1,,,   As Vitamin D is available in your food and Sunlight still most of the people are not utilizing   properly to get Vitamin D
2.... I advise every one to use natural methods to get Vitamin D

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