Scarred ovaries also cause Infertility

Scarred ovaries also cause Infertility

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Scarred ovaries also cause Infertility
Posted in 2016

Excessive scarring and inflammation in women’s ovaries may be responsible for women’s decreasing ability to produce healthy eggs as they become older, according to a new study conducted by the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, USA.

The study has shown that the ovarian environment ages and that this affects the quality of eggs produced. This finding could lead to the development of new treatments that preserve fertility by delaying ovarian ageing.

Deteriorating numbers and quality of eggs can contribute to miscarriages, birth defects and infertility.

This new study focused on the reproductive age-related changes that occur in the environment in which the eggs develop, which is known as the ovarian stroma. Until now, little has been known about how the ovarian stroma changes with age.

Lead study author Francesca Duncan, executive director of the Center for Reproductive Science at the Feinberg School of Medicine, explained: "Under the microscope, eggs from reproductively young and old animals may look identical, but the environment in which they are growing is completely different. Ovaries from reproductively old mice are fibrotic and inflamed.”

My advise
1....  When a woman follows healthy habits from her childhood she will not face Scarred ovaries.
2...   I advise every woman to follow healthy habits

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