Vitamin D supplement during your pregnancy

Vitamin D supplement during your pregnancy

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Vitamin D supplement during your pregnancy
Posted in 2015

Most prenatal vitamins only contain 400 IU (10 mcg) of vitamin D, and it's difficult to get sufficient vitamin D from foods alone, even when you choose fortified foods.
Since the skin uses the sun's rays to produce vitamin D, some experts recommend limited sun exposure, while others caution against it without the protection of sunblock and clothing. Exposure to the sun's ultraviolet [UV] rays intensifies the pigment changes that cause irregular skin darkening in pregnant women, so most doctors recommend that pregnant women protect themselves from the sun and get their vitamin D from food or supplements. 
Factors that might put you at risk for a vitamin D deficiency include:
  • Obesity. Because body fat stores much of the vitamin D made in the skin, it's less available to the body. (Vitamin D that you get from food and supplements appears to be more available to the body, so those are more reliable sources.)
  • Darker skin. People with darker skin have a lot of melanin, which acts as a natural sunscreen and reduces production of vitamin D in the skin.  
  • Certain medications. Medications such as steroids, antiseizure medications, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and some diuretics reduce absorption of vitamin D from the intestines.
  • Fat malabsorption conditions. Disorders such as celiac disease and Crohn's disease involve a reduced ability to absorb dietary fat, and that leads to less absorption of vitamin D.
If you're worried about not getting enough vitamin D, ask your healthcare provider if you should be tested for a deficiency or if you need to take a vitamin D supplement. When choosing a supplement, look for the kind labeled vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, which is the most effective form. (Vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, is about 25 percent less potent.)

My advise
1...  Vitamin D is sufficiently available in your food and Sunlight which have no side effects or reactions
2.... You should be very cautious about medicines and its side effects.
3.... You should be very careful about your self and your child during pregnancy.

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