Secure attachment bond between Mother and child

Secure attachment bond between Mother and Child

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Secure attachment bond between Mother and child
Posted in 2013

The attachment process is interactive and dynamic. Both you and your baby participate in an exchange of nonverbal emotional cues that make your baby feel understood and safe. Even in the first days of life, your baby picks up on your emotional cues—your tone of voice, your gestures, and your emotions—and sends you signals by crying, cooing, mimicking facial expressions, and eventually smiling, laughing, pointing, and even yelling, too. In return, you watch and listen to your baby’s cries and sounds, and respond to their cues, at the same time as you tend to their need for food, warmth, and affection. Secure attachment grows out of the success of this nonverbal communication process between you and your baby.
From first day of your child's birth he send signals by crying etc..the mother will understand his child's signals and act accordingly...By continues process it will develop attachment bond between the mother and child. If father is associated with his mother and send signals also develop attachment bond with the child...

My advise
1.... Parents can develop attachment bond with their child before birth
2...  Once the bond is developed before birth it will remain life long of the parents and child

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