If you get too much Vitamin D in your pregnancy

If you get too much Vitamin D in your pregnancy

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If you get too much Vitamin D in your pregnancy
Posted in 2014

Vitamin D is fat-soluble. Should you worry about toxicity?
Because there is such a wide normal range for vitamin D, a person would have to be taking massive amounts of the nutrient for a substantial time before hypervitaminosis and a potential impact on calcium metabolism occur. Pharmacokinetic data demonstrate that toxicity may not occur until a vitamin D level of 300 ng/mL or higher is reached, which is three times the upper limit of normal for most reference ranges.  A 2007 review found no cases of toxicity reported in the literature at a total serum level below 200 ng/mL (twice the normal limit) or a dose of less than 30,000 IU/day.

My advise
1..  When you take Vitamin D supplement it may be excess of your body due to the Vitamin D available in your food and Sunlight
2... When you get excess Vitamin D with your food it will be eliminated by your body.

Brought to U....  http://successgain.info


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