Lack of Vitamin D in pregnant should be treated

Lack of Vitamin D in pregnant should be treated

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Lack of Vitamin D in pregnant should be treated
Posted in 2013

Here, again, there is a lack of solid evidence. No guidelines exist for pregnant patients. In its Commitee Opinion, ACOG points out that higher-dose regimens have not been studied in pregnancy, but cites studies using up to 4,000 IU daily.  The question becomes: Can guidelines that have been established for nonpregnant patients be used safely in pregnancy?
Although there is no evidence-based consensus, physiology and previous studies suggest that they can.
In one study, pregnant women were given doses as high as 200,000 IU in the third trimester to treat vitamin D deficiency.  That investigation produced two key findings:
  • There were no signs or symptoms of toxicity in patients or newborns, demonstrating that a single dose of a large amount of vitamin D can be administered safely.
  • Despite the treatment, many of the women in this study remained deficient, indicating that continued supplementation would be required beyond the initial dose.
Although the dosage administered in this study seems like a large amount, it should be viewed in context: a Caucasian female can produce 50,000 IU of vitamin D from 30 minutes of sun exposure at midday.
The IOM acknowledged that it underestimated the amount of vitamin D that can be taken safely and increased its upper limit of normal to 4,000 IU daily. Note that this upper limit is for people who are presumed to have a normal level to begin with. Therefore, it would be expected that a deficiency would require a greater amount for treatment.
As for treatment, both daily and weekly regimens are acceptable. Because vitamin D is fat-soluble, a daily dose of 1,000 IU is equivalent to a weekly dose of 7,000 IU. Many patients prefer the convenience of weekly dosing, which can also improve compliance.

My advise
1..  Take care of your self during your pregnancy about Vitamin D
2... You should not ignore your child  about Vitamin D

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