Know about Infertility n prevent it

Know about Infertility  n prevent it

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Know about Infertility  n prevent it
Posted in 2013

Infertility is usually defined as the inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy after repeated intercourse without contraception for 1 year.

Frequent intercourse without birth control usually results in pregnancy:
  • For 50% of couples within 3 months
  • For 75% within 6 months
  • For 90% within 1 year

To maximize the chance of pregnancy, couples should have frequent intercourse in the 6—and particularly the 3 days—before the ovaries release an egg (ovulation). Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which is about halfway between the first day of one period and the first day of the next.

Two of the more common methods women can use to estimate when ovulation occurs are
  • Measurement of body temperature at rest (basal body temperature)
  • Home ovulation predictor kits (probably the best way)

If women have regular periods, they can estimate when ovulation occurs by measuring their temperature each day before they get out of bed. A decrease suggests that ovulation is about to occur. An increase of 0.9° F (0.5° C) or more suggests ovulation has just occurred. However, this method is inconvenient for many women and is not reliable or precise. At best, it predicts ovulation only within 2 days.

Home ovulation prediction kits are more accurate. These kits are used to detect an increase in luteinizing hormone in the urine. (This hormone stimulates the ovaries to trigger ovulation.) Usually, this increase occurs 24 to 36 hours before ovulation. Women usually need to repeat the test for several consecutive days, so kits typically include five to seven sticks. The sticks can be held under a stream of urine or dipped into urine that is collected in a sterile container.

Whether estimating when ovulation will occur increases the chance of pregnancy for couple who have intercourse regularly is unknown. However, estimating when ovulation will occur is likely to help couples who do not have intercourse regularly estimate when the best time for intercourse is.

Up to one in five couples in the United States do not conceive for at least a year and are thus considered infertile. However, of the couples who have not conceived after a year of trying, more than 60% conceive eventually, with or without treatment.

Causes of Infertility

The cause of infertility may be due to problems in the man, the woman, or both:
  • Problems with Sperm (in 35% or more of couples)
  • Problems with ovulation (in about 20%)
  • Problems with fallopian tubes (in about 30%)
  •  Problems with Cervical Mucus (in 5% or fewer)
  • Un identified factors (in about 10%)
Consuming a lot of caffeine (for example, more than 5 to 6 cups of coffee per day) and using excess tobacco can impair fertility in women and should be avoided.

My advise
!...  Infertility is cause of unhealthy life style.
2... Follow healthy habits to solve this problem

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