Zinc deficiency may cause health problems

Zinc deficiency may cause health problems

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Zinc deficiency may cause health problems
Posted in 2014

Zinc Deficiency may cause Health problems particularly Semen in Male
Zinc is an important mineral required for a number of bodily functions involving energy and metabolism. One of its most important roles is in supporting our immune system, which protects us from pathogens, infections, and disease. Zinc also plays a role in carbohydrate breakdown (which supplies energy), as well as growth, division, and reproduction of our cells.
Zinc is an important chemical essential for human functioning. Zinc nutrition deficiency is insufficient availability of zinc in the diet or can be caused due to the malabsorption of zinc by the body. This condition is prevalent in young children, pregnant women, breast feeding mothers, and the elderly. Zinc plays a vital role in many aspects of the immune system. It helps in cell division, clotting, healing wounds, DNA synthesis, growth and development of the fetus, and protein synthesis.
The inherent gastrointestinal problems, liver disease, kidney diseases, and certain other conditions and drugs can prevent zinc absorption by the body causing a zinc deficiency.
A healthy, balanced diet can help provide necessary minerals and vitamins. .Have Healthy food and overcome this problems 

Some of health problems due to lack of Zinc

Skin, nails and hair

Zinc deficiency may manifest as acne, eczema, Xerosis (dry n scaling skin), Seborheric dermatitisor alopecia (thin and sparse hair). There may also be impaired wound healing.
Zinc deficiency can manifest as non-specific , Oral ulcer, or white tongue coating.  Rarely it can cause angular chelitis (sores at the corners of the mouth)[and burning of mouth.

Vision, smell and taste

Severe zinc deficiency may disturb the sense of smell[ and taste. Night blindness may be a feature of severe zinc deficiency, although most reports of night blindness and abnormal dark adaptation in humans with zinc deficiency have occurred in combination with other nutritional deficiencies (e.g. vitamin A).

Immune system

Impaired immune function in people with zinc deficiency can lead to the development of respiratory, gastrointestinal, or other infections, e.g., pneumonia. The levels of inflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-1βIL-2IL-6, and TNF-α) in blood plasma are affected by zinc deficiency and zinc supplementation produces a dose-dependent response in the level of these cytokines.[ During inflammation, there is an increased cellular demand for zinc and impaired zinc homeostasis from zinc deficiency is associated with chronic inflammation.[


Zinc deficiency contributes to an increased incidence and severity of diarrhea.


Zinc deficiency may lead to loss of appetite or medical anorexia as a result of a  physical condition,   The use of zinc in the treatment of anorexia has been advocated since 1979 by Bakan. At least 15 clinical trials have shown that zinc improved weight gain in anorexia. A 1994 trial showed that zinc doubled the rate of body mass increase in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. Deficiency of other nutrients such as tyrosine, tryptophan and thiamine could contribute to this phenomenon of "malnutrition-induced malnutrition".
My advise
1...  Most of us neglect Zinc but it contribute over all health for us.
2...  Your healthy food contain Zinc and eat to protect your health
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