Causes of Mentally retarded births

Causes of Mentally retarded births

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Cause of Mentally retarded births
Posted in April 2013
Why the child born Mentally Retarded? See how many children are taking birth in India and US
I have seen in many families that 1. all are mentally retarded except one 2. all are Brilliants except one who is mentally handicapped. 
I discussed about these with many Medical Experts...they Said it is due to Genetics. I am not satisfied their answer and I researched through Medical Astrology principles and found the cause. As per Medical Astrology the child birth will depend on
1. Scientific reasons:
Here couple's mind plays an important role at the time of SEX on mental conditions of the Child. Some nutrient deficiency of the couple before conceiving also cause of Mental retardation of the child. Besides this unborn child requires Sufficient 1. Oxygen to open all nervous system of the child 2. Sufficient Blood supply in his mind.
2. Medical Astrological Reasons
We consider Astrological planetary positions of the couple at the time of SEX
1.Birth time of couples 2. Their birth periods 3. Their food habits, life style etc... and 4. Their time of sex causes for their defective childbirth. See statistical data of Mentally retarded in India 10.3% in 2001 and in US more than 1 in 20 child births(all birth defects)...Every couple can avoid it and give birth to Healthy and Brilliant child.

My advise
1....  To open all cells in mind it needs sufficient oxygen to your child
2....  Mother has supply it to the child by consuming less oxygen in her body needs
3...   Mother's food is important important as Oily foods, heavy foods and other foods consumes more oxygen to mother's body for digestion.
4...   If mother could not supply sufficient oxygen the unborn child  will be mentally retarded

5..    I advise every woman to take healthy food if she wish to give birth to a child

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