You and your life partner needs Zinc

You and your life partner needs Zinc

Brought to U....    and

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You and your life partner needs Zinc
Posted in 2012

 You and your partner should be getting plenty of zinc. Zinc contributes to ovulation and fertility in women and also semen and testosterone production in men, according to the American Pregnancy Association. “It has been noted that zinc deficiency can correlate with impaired sperm production,” says Burger. The Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health recommends that men receive a daily intake of 11 mg of zinc and women take 8 mg. 
Zinc is available in your healthy food.

My advise
1...   Zinc is important to you and your life partner to become parents
2...   Zinc improves your egg quality and your partner's sperm
3...   When you decided to become parents you should take Zinc regularly.

Brought to  U ......


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